Changelog (Updates)

Version 3.0.0 - Mar 12, 2024
  • New: The Accordion Layout feature
  • New: The Thumbnails mode feature of the Carousel layout.
  • New: The Team Center mode feature of the Carousel layout.
  • New: The Thumbnails Pager Style (Right, Top, Left) option.
  • New: The Hide on Mobile option of the carousel navigation and pagination.
  • New: The Navigation Position - Vertical Center option of the carousel layout.
  • New: The Visible On Hover option of the carousel layout.
  • New: The Border Radius by % option of carousel navigation.
  • New: 4 new stunning styles (Strokes, Scrollbar, Fraction, Numbers) of the carousel pagination.
  • New: The Border option of the Isotope filter and Ajax Live filter buttons
  • New: The Exclude from Search option in the plugin settings page
  • New: The Enable Photo Gallery AutoPlay option for the modal photo gallery and single member page photo gallery.
  • New: The Limit Bio by Words option.
  • New: 9 amazing positions for Info Box style.
  • New: The Member Background Gradient option.
  • New: The Image Overlay Gradient Color option.
  • New: The Overlay Background Gradient Color option
  • New: The Meta Icon Color option.
  • New: The Meta Icon Size option.
  • New: The CTA(Call To Action) Button Type, Link Type, Button Color, Border, Padding, and Margin features.
  • Improved: Plugin Backend and Frontend UI and UX improved and optimized hugely to make it more user-friendly.
  • Improved: The 'Team Generator' menu is renamed to 'Manage Teams'.
  • Improved: The Member Style options are reorganized with Visual Interaction.
  • Improved: The Image Settings Tab is moved inside the Display Settings Tab.
  • Improved: The Options of Carousel Settings were reorganized by the Nested tab.
  • Improved: The Team Section Title option moved to the Display Settings tab.
  • Improved: The Pagination options are moved to the bottom of the General Settings tab.
  • Improved: The Isotope Style option moved after the Layout Preset option.
  • Improved: The options of the Filter Settings tab are moved to the bottom of the General Settings tab.
  • Improved: The Half Caption Member style was renamed to Info Box.
  • Improved: The options on the plugin settings page are reorganized and optimized.
  • Updated: The language (.pot) file.
  • Fix: Ajax number pagination doesn't update when the Ajax live filter is selected.
  • Fix: The custom crop size option of the flip image was working.
  • Fix: The Drag & Drop option did not work on specific team members.
  • Fix: The Load 2x Resolution Image in the Retina Display option did not show in the table layout.
  • Fix: The warning was found when the plugin was activated via the WP CLI command.
  • Fix: Few WPCS-related warnings.
  • Tested: WordPress 6.4.3 compatibility.
Version 2.3.7 - Nov 20, 2023
  • Fix: Few PHPCS warnings with PHP8.2.
  • Tested: WordPress 6.4.1 compatibility.
Version 2.3.6 - Sep 20, 2023
  • New: The Lazyload features.
  • New: The Location Clickable option.
  • New: The CSV import and export feature to import or export team members.
  • New: A hook 'sptp_text_before_limit' was added to modify the text of the member description.
  • New: A hook 'sptp_show_short_bio_from_full_bio' to allow/disallow showing a member's short bio from the full description when the short bio is empty.
  • New: A hook 'sptp_allowed_tags' to allow any special tags in the short description.
  • Improved: The export-import feature with a preloader icon.
  • Improved: The default image size for the team show is set to medium size.
  • Improved: The default image size for modal and single member pages is altered to the large size.
  • Fix: Location filtering doesn't show alphabetically on the filter dropdown when multiple locations are added to a single member.
  • Fix: The warning along with the b-Slider plugin.
  • Fix: The member photo option does not show if the current theme does not support post thumbnail.
  • Fix: The swiper conflict issue with the Logo Carousel Pro plugin.
  • Fix: The warning found with PHP 7.0 or less.
  • Fix: The warnings found after upgrading free to the pro version.
  • Fix: The warning found on the single member page with WP 5.8 or less.
  • Tested: WordPress 6.3.1 compatibility.
Version 2.3.5 - Apr 20, 2023
  • Improved: The items are shown center-aligned if the last row has fewer members than the number of columns.
  • Fix: WP Team Pro doesn't work correctly with the WPML plugin for translation.
  • Fix: Social media links add HTTP protocol before the email.
  • Fix: Fontello CSS conflicts with the Flatsome theme icon.
  • Fix: Some deprecated JS warnings of the plugin page.
  • Tested: WordPress 6.2 compatibility.
Version 2.3.4 - Feb 10, 2023
  • New: The Custom Detail URL option of member.
  • New: The Year of Experience option of member.
  • New: The Degree option of a member.
  • New: The vertical space between members option was added.
  • New: A new field type (fax) option for the Member Custom Information field.
  • New: Some influential Social Icons have been added to the social media option.
  • New: Members to show per click option.
  • Improved: Some options (member border, border-radius, box-shadow) are organized.
  • Improved: The carousel's center-bottom navigation position.
  • Improved: The member PDF file was redesigned.
  • Updated: The language (.pot) file.
  • Fix: The conflict between Elementor Pro swiper and WP Team Pro swiper.
  • Fix: The deprecated warning of the single member page when the block theme is used.
  • Fix: The warning at multisite when trying to clean the team cache.
  • Fix: The undefined warning if the social option is disabled.
  • Fix: The custom CSS field doesn’t work for the single-member page.
Version 2.3.3 - Jan 09, 2023
  • New: The Isotope All buttons label option.
  • Improved: The plugin code improved.
  • Improved: Plugin security improved.
  • Fix: In the isotope layout and the search shows a JS error due to the missing imageloaded js file.
  • Fix: The member images overlap in the modal bar.
  • Fix: In the drawer, member content is not shown in multiple p tags if it has.
  • Fix: The duplicate issue in case of the Ajax loadmore of in isotope layout.
  • Fix: The page jumps to the active drawer section on page reload if the first item is active.
  • Fix: The warning if the short description limit field is empty.
Version 2.3.2 - Nov 10, 2022
  • New: Free mode in the carousel layout.
  • New: Call To Action button for the team.
  • New: Box-Shadow option for the member Item.
  • New: Carousel Direction.
  • New: Carousel navigation customization options.
  • Improved: Overlay Content Type (new layouts, positions, and features).
  • Improved: Help text position.
  • Improved: Help page.
  • Improved: Load More animation alignment.
  • Fix: Ticker mode responsive column issue.
  • Fix: Ajax infinite scroll does not work with the table layout.
  • Fix: Zoom-In Animation doesn't work on overlay content.
  • Fix: Member Typography issue on modal.
  • Fix: Social icons hover color issue on the overlay.
  • Fix: Short Bio doesn't show on the table layout.
  • Fix: Multiple drawers opening blank space issue.
  • Fix: Overlay content issues.
  • Fix: Dynamic CSS loads twice on the Gutenberg edit page.

Version 2.3.1 - Oct 14, 2022

  • Fix: Warning in modal when modal loads via the data attribute.
  • Fix: The download button, website text, and social icons do not show in the modal.
  • Fix: The drawer border hides when clicking on the member, and zoom-in is enabled.

Version 2.3.0 - Oct 04, 2022

  • New: The member schema markup has been added.
  • New: A hook 'sptp_modal_load_by_rest_api'added to load modal via rest API/data attribute.
  • Improved: The font family of Typography is set as the inherited font family of the current theme.
  • Improved: The code has been optimized to improve performance.
  • Improved: The modal loading speed has been improved.
  • Improved: The plugin didn’t deactivate the free version if the pro version is activated.
  • Fix: The font style of the current theme does not load in the team show if the plugin font family set is disabled.
  • Fix: The dequeue option does not work when the Elementor plugin is activated.
  • Fix: Some overlay icons don’t appear on the site.
  • Fix: The close button in the modal box does not show correctly in the mobile view.
  • Fix: WP Team Pro and Smart Post Show Pro conflict issue of font icons loading case.
  • Fix: Some minor issues.

Version 2.2.13 - Sept 15, 2022

  • New: Drag and drop feature of member info in the modal/drawer.
  • New: The 'sptp_team_pro_member_name_tag' hook to change the member's name tag.
  • New: Gallery image resize options for the single member.
  • New: Multi-location set for the single member.
  • New: The first drawer remains open on page load.
  • New: Load 2x resolution image in retina displays for the single member.
  • New: Navigation arrow customization options for gallery images.
  • Improved: Separate directory for Gutenberg block assets.
  • Improved: Sortable fields on the member details page.
  • Improved: Short bio content source.
  • Fix: Typography settings don't work in the modal.
  • Fix: The member's name color doesn't change.
  • Fix: The 'Content not found' issue on the modal.
  • Fix: The extra field icon does not show along with the Smart Post Show Pro plugin.
  • Fix: The 'Stop on Hover' doesn't work in Ticker mode.
  • Fix: The 'the_content' hook conflict issue.
  • Fix: Code editors (CSS & JS) responsiveness issue.
  • Fix: Order by latest and order by random issues.

Version 2.2.12 - Aug 04, 2022

  • Fix: Content position Right/Left layout issue in carousel mode.

Version 2.2.11 - Aug 02, 2022

  • New: Download PDF button in modal and single member page.
  • Fix: Single member page footer breaks when the Bottom Content layout is set.
  • Fix: The search field responsive issue.
  • Fix: On hover, the border-radius doesn't work properly on Safari.
  • Fix: The export feature conflicts with the WP debugging plugin.

Version 2.2.10 - Apr 08, 2022

  • New: Masonry feature added for grid/isotope layout.
  • Updated: The Language (.pot) file is updated.
  • Fix: The 'Team Section Title' hide option doesn't work.
  • Fix: Compatibility Issue of the isotope with Signify theme due to common 'grid' class.
  • Fix: The same height option doesn’t work if the extra fieldset is disabled.
  • Fix: The 'All' button hide doesn't work in the Ajax live filter of the grid layout.
  • Fix: The invalid image URL warning has been solved.
  • Fix: A few undefined warning issues were solved which were found when the shortcode was deleted.

Version 2.2.9 - Mar 09, 2022

  • New: The Member Extra Information option has been added.
  • New: Members count in the respective group when selecting specific groups.
  • New: 3 hooks added to enable sorting group/location/position filter alphabetically.
  • New: The drag and drop option for positioning group/location/position among them in isotope layout.
  • New: Load 2x resolution image option added for retina display.
  • New: Slide animation fades effect for multiple columns in the carousel layout.
  • Updated: The language (.pot) file.
  • Fix: The same height option does not work when the image is in circle/rounded mode.
  • Fix: WordPress 5.9 Gutenberg block compatibility issue.
  • Fix: Ticker mode preloader issue in Firefox browser.
  • Fix: The margin does not work on the list view 2 columns.
  • Fix: Table layout responsiveness issue if the table has maximum columns shown.
  • Removed: The TinyMCE button from the classic editor.
  • Tested: WordPress 5.9 compatibility.

Version 2.2.8 - Jan 15, 2022

  • New: The option for sorting by last name.
  • New: A hook 'sp_team_p_end_of_members_text' was added to modify/remove the 'End of Members' text.
  • Improved: A few strings were made translatable.
  • Improved: Search members by meta fields (Location, Job title).

Version 2.2.7 - Dec 15, 2021

  • New: Gutenberg Block added.
  • New: WPML filter hook added.
  • New: Social media alignment option of single-member page added.
  • New: A hook added for A-to-Z group ordering.
  • Improved: Settings page layout improved.
  • Fix: At Ajax number pagination, the scroll position issue.
  • Fix: Plugin admin panel RTL layout issues.
  • Fix: Random order issue.
  • Fix: Some minor issues.

Version 2.2.6 - Nov 24, 2021

  • New: Elementor Addons added.
  • New: Capability hook added.
  • Fix: Framework path issue for some sites.
  • Fix: Email field required issue.
  • Fix: Specific option issue with Polylang resolved.
  • Fix: Isotope button issue when the 'All' button is hidden.
  • Fix: Letter spacing issue resolved.
  • Fix: Custom JS option resolved.
  • Fix: Several minor tweaks.

Version 2.2.5 - Oct 05, 2021

  • New: Read More button, label, color, alignment.
  • New: Member name clickable.
  • Fix: The license not working on the multisite issue.
  • Fix: Social icon, skill bars, color change issue.
  • Fix: Member border round issue.
  • Fix: String translated issue.
  • Fix: Member search blinking or glitch issue.
  • Fix: Setting tab issue.
  • Fix: Live preview glitching issue.
  • Fix: Minor tweaking.

Version 2.2.4 - Aug 19, 2021

  • New: Backend Shortcode Live Preview option.
  • Fix: Pause on hover issue in the team ticker carousel.
  • Fix: Plugin cache issue.

Version 2.2.3 - Jul 27, 2021

  • New: Image Flipping option for member photo.
  • New: Responsive Breakpoints tab in Settings Page.
  • New: Support HTML tags in the member's name field.
  • Fix: http:// added after mailto.
  • Fix: Drawer layout fixed height issue.
  • Fix: Single page right content layout is not responsive in the mobile screen issue.
  • Fix: Navigation issue with multi-row and Ajax live filter.
  • Fix: Warning and notice: undefined variable issue.
  • Fix: Detail Page link type drawer doesn't work on grid 2nd or 3rd pagination issue.
  • Fix: Member detail page link type: new tab layout breaks in mobile view.
  • Fix: Google font loading issue.
  • Fix: Ajax pagination spacing issue.
  • Fix: Minor tweaking.

Version 2.2.2 - Jul 05, 2021

  • Fix: PHP old version compatibility issue.

Version 2.2.1 - Jul 03, 2021

  • New: Ajax live filtering for member groups.
  • New: Ajax searches for members.
  • New: Search label and alignment.
  • New: 4 Pagination types for Isotope filtering.
  • New: Pagination field alignment added.
  • New: Dedicated Typography settings for Modal, Drawer, and Single Page.
  • New: Author Post typography added.
  • New: Slides/Items same height.
  • New: Padding for the member/item.
  • New: Padding for the member details/content.
  • New: 4 New hover icons on member image added.
  • New: 5 New social icons (Telegram, Goodreads, Bookbub, Tiktok, Meetup) for members added.
  • New: Caption for member photo gallery.
  • New: Border for the active drawer.
  • New: Cache Enable/Disable option.
  • New: Cache Delete option.
  • New: Multiple Rows in the Carousel layout added.
  • New: Social icon attribute added.
  • New: Dynamic pagination added.
  • Fix: Google font loading issue.
  • Fix: Mailto, Telephone direction issue.
  • Fix: The detail page link disabling issue.
  • Fix: Drawer margin issue.
  • Fix: Show/hide member photo or image dependency issue.
  • Fix: Minor CSS tweaking.

Version 2.2.0 - Jun 12, 2021

  • New: Export and Import option.
  • Improved: Code optimized.

Version 2.1.4 - Jun 04, 2021

  • Fix: Border field hover color issue.
  • Fix: Margin issue in the List layout.
  • Fix: Member details page on hover link visible issue.
  • Fix: Spinner field arrow missing issue.
  • Fix: Modal close icon style and padding issue.
  • Fix: Custom image size option not working on Thumbnails Pager layout issue.
  • Fix: Margin between members not working on Thumbnails Pager layout issue.
  • Fix: Add New Member and Settings page CSS break issue.
  • Improved: Ajax load more "End of Content" changed to "End of Members"

Version 2.1.3 - May 31, 2021

  • Fix: Divi builder compatibility issue.
  • Fix: WPBakery compatibility issue.
  • Fix: Elementor compatibility issue.
  • Improved: Minor CSS tweaking.

Version 2.1.2 - May 18, 2021

  • New: Single Member view option on all members admin column.
  • New: Single Member slug edit option.
  • Fix: Enqueue TinyMCE JS error.
  • Fix: Plugin update notification issue.

Version 2.1.1 - May 04, 2021

  • Fix: Content formatting issue on modal.

Version 2.1.0 - Apr 24, 2021

  • New: Activating the license key is mandatory.
  • New: Two Layouts for member single page.
  • New: Show/Hide switcher option for member single page meta fields.
  • New: Color picker for slide-ins modal header background.
  • New: Add necessary action and filter hooks to extend functionality.
  • New: Template overriding system.
  • New: SEO-friendly single-page slug.
  • New: Carousel direction option on Ticker mode carousel.
  • New: More Google font family added.
  • Fix: Member single page preview after adding a new member.
  • Fix: Order by drag and drop issue.
  • Fix: Member limit empty issue.
  • Fix: Grid Pagination issue.
  • Fix: Scrolling and load more (Ajax) pagination issues on responsive devices.
  • Fix: Member detail page social icon styling issue.
  • Fix: Member gallery display on member detail page (New Page) issue.
  • Update: Plugin framework and whole codebase.
  • Update: Plugin language file.
  • Improved: Color accessibility for disabled people.
  • Improved: Backend Settings panel.
  • Improved: Member photo gallery slider navigation & pagination.
  • Improved: Table layout design.
  • Improved: Superfast member loading on Thumbnail pager layout.

Version 2.0.7 - Feb 26, 2021

  • New: onClick shortcode copy to clipboard option.
  • Fix: Social icon hiding on Popup.
  • Fix: Member limit issue on Filter layout.
  • Fix: Shortcode field markup improved.
  • Fix: Popup issue when multiple teams are on the same page.
  • Improved: Shorcode is visible all time instead of after publishing only.

Version 2.0.6 - Feb 16, 2021

  • New: Nofollow option for the link.
  • New: Multiple filter options.
  • New: Member Search option on Filter layout.
  • Improvement: Admin dashboard UI.
  • Improvement: Typography fields improved.
  • Improvement: Database updater improved.
  • Fix: Swiper autoplay stop-start issue.
  • Fix: Website linking issue on member bio.
  • Fix: Ajax Pagination issue.
  • Fix: Thumbnail pager issue.
  • Fix: Popup style issue.
  • Fix: Overlay click issue on drawer detail style.
  • Fix: Popup scrollbar issue.
  • Fix: Swiper issue on the popup.
  • Fix: Blurry issue on Ticker mode carousel.
  • Fix: Specific member order by issue.

Version 2.0.5 - Aug 19, 2020

  • Fix: WordPress 5.5 compatibility issue.

Version 2.0.4 - Jan 10, 2020

  • Fix: Grid overlapping issue.
  • Fix: Carousel Autoplay issue.
  • Fix: Image zoom-in/zoom-out effect issue.
  • Fix: Member border issue.
  • Fix: Phone number show/hide not working.

Version 2.0.3 - Dec 07, 2019

  • Fix: Menu hiding issue on multisite.
  • Fix: Video embed issue on modal.
  • Fix: Filter layout loading issue.

Version 2.0.2 - Oct 26, 2019

  • New: Specific member sorting option.
  • New: Groups sorting option in filter layout.
  • New: Image inner padding option.
  • Fix: Exclude Team from search.
  • Fix: Icon search box displaying issue.
  • Fix: Text justified issue.
  • Fix: Mosaic arrow z-index issue.
  • Fix: Image border issue.
  • Fix: Image box-shadow issue.
  • Fix: Preloader issue.
  • FIx: Divi theme modal compatibility issue.

Version 2.0.1 - Sep 17, 2019

  • Fix: Group relation type issue.
  • Fix: Modal description issue.
  • Fix: Order by Drag & Drop issue.

Version 2.0.0 - Aug 09, 2019

  • Improved: Admin dashboard UX.
  • New: 8 Unique team layouts.
  • New: 900+ Google Fonts.
  • New: Drag & Drop ordering API integrated.
  • New: 3 Image shapes for members.
  • New: 13 Member input fields.
  • New: 5 Member content layouts.
  • New: Member bio characters limit.
  • New: 3 Detail page link types (modal, drawer, and new page).
  • New: 4 Modal (popup) layouts.
  • New: Detail page fields control.
  • New: Repeatable and drag-and-drop skill fields.
  • New: 35+ Social profile link icons.
  • New: Filter by taxonomy, position, and location.
  • New: 4 Ajax pagination types.
  • New: 10+ Carousel controls.
  • New: Member groups or taxonomy re-order.
  • New: Additional image gallery for each member.
  • New: Enqueue & dequeue CSS & JS.
  • New: Page builders compatibility.
  • New: 25+ Animation effects.
  • New: Image grayscale and zoom effects.
  • New: Show/hide almost every element.
  • New: RTL supported.
  • New: WPML ready.
  • New: Native WordPress widget.
  • New: Multisite supported.
  • New: Accessibility for disabled people.
  • New: Custom CSS options.
  • Fix: Other CSS tweaking.

Version 1.0 - Apr 20, 2017

  • Initial Released