- Are the above FAQs different from what you are searching for?
- How can I get support if the plugin is not working?
- How to change the member name heading tag on the single member page?
- How to dequeue Google fonts completely throughout the site?
- Why Carousel works in the back end but not in the front end?
- Why is only the Preloader showing?
- Why can’t I use the same carousel multiple times on the same page?
- Is WP Team Pro ready with WordPress multisite?
- How to show the team on my homepage or header.php or other PHP files?
- What happens to the Team Shortcodes created in the lite version after I upgrade to Pro?
- Do I need to purchase a Business license for a Business site?
- How to fix “Your license key has reached its activation limit”?
- How can I update my billing information?
- What happens when your license expires?