Whitelisted Domains

License key activation is necessary for using the WP Team Pro plugin. According to our license terms, a customer can Activate the license key on the live site(s) specified in his package. The question arises: Can the license key be used simultaneously on under-construction sites?

The answer is yes. Before using the plugin on the live site or with the live site, a customer can activate the license on some Construction sites where the activation will not be counted. See the List below: 

  • localhost
  • *.dev
  • *.ddev.site
  • *.test
  • .*local
  • dev.*
  • staging.*
  • staging-*.
  • *.stage.site
  • *.wpstage.net
  • *.staging.site
  • *.wpengine.com
  • *.preview-domain.com
  • *.wpenginepowered.com
  • *.mystagingwebsite.com

Sub-domain or multisite: If you are using a Sub-domain in the same WordPress installation as a WordPress multisite, then you can use the plugin both on the main site and that sub-domain site. If you are using a different installation of WordPress for a sub-domain, then you can’t use a single site license for that sub-domain. In this case, you have to buy a new single-site license for that sub-domain.