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Social Profile Icons not Showing

< 1 min read

There can be numerous reasons your social profile icons are not displaying or linking correctly. We’ll explore them all below:

Font-Awesome Version Mismatch #

If you are already using a Font-Awsome version on your site and it doesn’t match the WP Team font-awesome version, then the icons may not appear correctly. In that case, try Dequeing the Font-Awesome from the WP Team > Settings > Advanced Settings > Dequeue Font Awesome.

Clear Cache #

If you are using a caching plugin or cloud services, make sure to clear your entire website/cloud/browser cache.

Icons Still Missing or Showing Up as Squares #

If you have taken all recommended steps and your icons are still missing or showing up as squares, the reason could be a third-party plugin conflict or that the respective plugin you are using is not Font Awesome five ready.

In that case, you can use custom CSS to replace missing icons or contact support for troubleshooting.